How Millennial and Gen Z Couples are Redefining Marriage and Divorce

Millennials and Gen Z are doing a lot of things differently from the generations before them. They have unique attitudes toward money, work, and relationships that manifest in different behaviors. Remarkably, they also have an approach to romantic relationships, marriage, and divorce that is unique from other generations.

Millennials and Gen Z on marriage

It has become apparent that many millennials are not committing to marriage until later in life, and most aren’t getting married at all. Baby boomers and other generations would engage earlier, but the millennials and Gen Z often do not see the need to legalize their relationships. They might start living together along with their partners but aren’t rushing to church. There are many reasons behind this trend. For instance, these generations are highly focused on their professional and career growth. They also want to find financial stability first. A lack of own housing, student loans, and trouble securing a well-paid job often keeps young adults more focused on the work aspects of their lives. A wedding might be seen as an occasion that needs a considerable amount of investment that isn’t worthwhile if they aren’t sure whether or not marriage would improve and worsen their financial situation.

The downward trend in marriage has resulted in a declining rate of divorce. Nonetheless, millennials also show varied behaviors on breaking up or getting divorced. For most people, a romantic relationship is perfect when it’s satisfying. For some, it might not be worth it to try and fix it. That suggests millennials might often be more willing to break up or divorce when they are not happy.

How does divorce impact children?

Children of separated or divorced parents can have behavioral issues. The marital conflict that accompanies a divorce can put the child’s social competence in danger. Moreover, parental conflicts impact a child’s behavior problems, irrespective of the parent’s marital status. During a divorce, conflict among parents is accompanied by less responsiveness, less affection, and or more inclination to punish children, leaving their child feeling emotionally unstable. Such children tend to perceive their home environment to be uncontrollable and unpredictable. It’s reported that separation and divorce correlate with lowered school performance and accomplishment. Children from families who are experiencing divorce may have more behavioral issues in school.

Family Inside the Tent

Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

How child custody lawyers help families through divorce

When you hire the right Child Custody Lawyer for your family, the divorce process is made better and easier for everyone involved. An experienced family lawyer can help minimize the negative effects on your children’s well-being, preserving the hope of your children having promising futures ahead of them. Family law cases can be quite intense and emotional when it comes to custody. Shuff Family Law Firm takes care of each case in the way that makes the most sense for each client’s unique situation. Shuff Family Law gives clients the confidence that what the spouses are going through bears in mind the best interest of their children. You can give their offices a call today.

Shuff Law Firm, a Professional Law Corporation
2634, 2107 N Broadway STE 301, Santa Ana, CA 92706, United States

Mediation Can Ease The Stress of Divorce For Families

Divorce can happen for various reasons, most commonly of which are infidelity and financial stress. The American Psychological Association has reported on the relationship between stress and divorce. 

Various challenges arise when a family experiences a breakdown, due to the separation of the couple. Once a couple wishes to separate, certain issues may arise, such as custody and division of assets. The process of divorce can be extremely challenging, both physically as well as mentally. Despite all of its challenges, spouses must often maintain a healthy relationship for the sake of their children, even though they may be consumed by heartbreak and rage, harboring negative feelings towards their former spouse. Parents must control their negative feelings about their former spouse to provide their children with a safe space for their development and upbringing. Some parents seek counsel on maintaining a healthy post-divorce relationship for the psychological well-being of the child. Moreover, parents will try their best to put their differences aside, being respectful towards each other, so as to try not to interfere with the child’s relationship with the other parent.

Co-parenting after divorce

Co-parenting is the practice of collaboration and cooperation between divorced parents for the sake of the children’s well-being. In co-parenting, parties must be respectful towards one another and practice maturity and poise towards their former partner’s new partner. Parents need to support communication between their child and ex-spouse if ongoing access to both parents is what has been deemed to be in the best interest of the child. Parents should not speak negatively about the former spouse in the presence of the child, or pressure the children to pick sides. Children should be reassured that though their parents are no longer married or romantically involved, they still share a certain amount of love and respect for each other. Parents should be honest with each other and their children. Lastly, if equal custody arrangements have been made, both parents should actively participate in decision-making so that the child feels that they are part of the same family. 

Free stock photo of 14 february, adult, alone

Mediation can ease the stress of divorce for both parents and children

Healthy interaction with your ex-spouse is very much needed for the well-being of the child. Mediation is very much helpful for separating spouses with children. Mediation is a process that involves a divorcing couple trying to negotiate in mutual agreement with the help of a neutral mediator. A simple search of “divorce mediator near me” can save you a great deal of time and energy. A certified divorce mediator will guide the separating couple and provide them with solutions. Planning out everything in the presence of the mediator is less stressful than courtroom scenes. Divorce mediation is all about cooperation to reach a common goal. 

Read Andrea P.‘s review of McNamee Mediations on Yelp

Meditation helps in keeping your children’s best interests in mind. It is best to reach a mutual agreement regarding the child’s custody in a manner that follows the best interests of the child. Unfortunately, this does not always happen in litigation, as fighting in the courtroom can lead to settlements that are ultimately decided upon by the judge. Traditional divorce litigation involves court proceedings such as testifying in front of the judge, which may be stressful for everyone involved. For couples with children seeking a divorce, divorce mediation may be the best way to reach swift agreements and custody arrangements.


Could Self-Driving Cars Save Lives?

Self-driving cars are one of the most advanced inventions of the era and they are gaining huge popularity around the world for a good reason. Driverless cars may bring the biggest industrial revolution in history. Driverless cars are believed to solve all major driver-related problems such as traffic collisions and traffic delays. Autonomous vehicles are expected to bring new exciting trends to the market while revolutionizing transportation, shopping, and emergency services. There are lots of amazing things to know about self-driving cars and how they are going to change the world. 

What are self-driving cars?

Current Advanced Driver Assistance System drive systems in vehicles come with reliable safety functions such as steering assistance, pre-collision warning, and automatic braking. There are several levels of this autonomy

Level 0: The vehicle is driven by a human.

Level 1: This automated system comes with no control over the vehicle but can assist drivers with updates regarding hazards.

Level 2: The automated system and the driver share specific controls of the vehicle. The examples of this level can be the cars that are loaded with ADAS.

Level 3: The automated system can take entire control of the vehicle but the driver will be able to interfere in case if the automated system fails to recognize serious conditions. 

Level 4: The automated system can take full control of the car while ensuring the full safety of passengers on the road. However, passengers will still be able to interfere in some critical conditions. 

Level 5: Driver can divert all attention safely away from the driving-related tasks while the automated system takes full control of the system. This type of vehicle can run in some geofenced areas or in controller environments only. This is the most advanced version of driverless cars where no human intervention may be required at any stage. 

How does self-driving technology work?

Self-driving vehicles are loaded with a wide range of technologies including cameras, radar, ultrasound, and radio antennas. These modern vehicles have an autonomous system with layers of autonomy that lead to robust and reliable solutions. One of the best examples of self-driving cars in the present times is Tesla’s autopilot car technology. It makes use of eight cameras for enhanced visibility and the decision-making power is increased using twelve ultrasonic sensors. The front-facing radar also works to analyze potential hazards on the road so that the autonomous system of the vehicle can make quick safety decisions on the road. Furthermore, the fast adoption of Internet of Things technology can improve the results for the success of the concept of self-driving cars. The combination of Artificial Intelligence can further enhance the functionality and robustness of the system. 

Crop unrecognizable woman showing chiropractor painful spot on back

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Car accidents

Until we can safely rely on technology to drive for us, we must be careful while driving on the road. However, unfortunately, even the most cautious of drivers may end up in danger due to the negligence of other drivers on the road. If you have been a victim of a vehicle accident, then you deserve to be compensated for the emotional, vehicle, and physical damage. San Diego Car Accident Law Firm Villasenor Law Offices helps its clients get the remedy they deserve. You can give them call today.

Villasenor Law Offices
12396 World Trade Dr Suite 211, San Diego, CA 92128, United States

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

Divorce can be a ruinous life event without the proper preparation and representation in the court system. The internet is abound with story after story of men and women who use every trick in the book to get as much money and custody time for the children of the previous relationship as possible.

A recent Business Insider story ran recently with a number of different examples of divorce horror stories, most involving police action taken in order to prevent the other party from receiving custody of their children or to get a leg up during proceedings. This story, however, gives you a glimpse at how unscrupulous lawyers can get involved in the couple’s schemes in order to get a better result in court:

“I came home from work not knowing there was a restraining order against me — the lock had been changed and I was trying to get into my house. My then-wife had called the police in advance: I was arrested within minutes and charged with the felony of violating a restraining order.

Her lawyer had told her to do that because if she were going against a felon, she would be guaranteed to get full custody of the kids, as well as the child support money that went along with it. Shortly after I lost in court because of the felony, the law in Tennessee (and other places) was changed so that a restraining order requires proof of danger and can’t just be sprung on someone as a trap.”

Using attorneys lacking in moral fiber or willing to use any means necessary to win in court may work out in the short term but will almost always come back to haunt you on a later date. That’s why we recommend finding solid divorce attorneys that use research and hard work to achieve results that last.

One such firm that we will always recommend for our southern California readers is Shuff Law Firm, a local law office that has been operating for almost half a century. Started in 1974 by Joseph Shuff, the firm is now managed by his daughter, Tamara, who has represented hundreds of clients throughout the year with conscientiousness and integrity.

These two characteristics has lead to a loyal list of clients, who have provided a number of sterling testimonials to the firm’s abilities:

Read Megan R.‘s review of Shuff Law Firm on Yelp

After 6 years of having one disappointment after another with a different attorney I decided to find someone else that would hopefully do a better job. From the very first phone call Shuff Law Firm handled my unique case with respect and care. Tamara was simply amazing. I was kept apprised of everything that was happening as it happened. The job she did was so well done that the ex actually backed down and reversed her decision to go to court for more support. I can finally take the last step in moving forward with my life thanks to the hard work of Tamara and the team at Shuff Law Firm.

If you have to go through a divorce, then you have to use them. (Michael G., Yelp Review)

If you’re in danger of losing your shirt because of your previous partner’s unscrupulous lawyers, get on the phone and dial up Shuff Law Firm’s number. They’ll get you results without the morally dubious tactics.

Shuff Law Firm


2634, 2107 N Broadway STE 301, Santa Ana, CA 92706

Future Planning

For those of us worried about leaving loved ones afflicted with a disability an appropriate inheritance that will allow for appropriate, life-long care, careful planning is needed. Disabled persons who are qualified to receive necessary government assistance, such as supplemental security income and Medicaid benefits, may find themselves suddenly disqualified in the event they get an improperly planned inheritance, meaning they’ll be deprived of life-saving financial assistance.

Even modest monetary gifts can disqualify a disabled person from receiving state assistance – inheritances of $10,000 in cash will immediately bump them above the qualification standard. In order to leave them money, you will need to set up a specific kind of inheritance package called a ‘special needs trust’ or supplemental needs trust, which allows you to get around qualification standards by leaving property to the trust rather than the person directly.

The trust acts as a separate legal entity whose funds and property can be allocated to a singular person – the beneficiary – and is managed by an appointed trustee who will be spending the money on their behalf. Since the money is not in control of the beneficiary, it won’t be considered when determining eligibility for SSI and Medicaid.

The money in the trust can’t be given directly to the beneficiary, since that would once again play a role in determining eligibility, but the trustee can allocate funds for buying both essential goods and services and those that would enhance their quality of life. Caregivers, vacations, vehicles, and necessary out-of-pocket medical fees are all items the trustee can purchase for the beneficiary.

Special Needs Trusts can take the form of either individual or ‘pooled’ trusts. Pooled trusts involve an independent third party (usually a nonprofit organization) setting up a trust in which a number of different people can donate their money to be invested and allocated to their beneficiaries in the event of their death or incapacitation. These pooled trusts are usually used by people who can’t find a suitable trustee or are leaving a modest sum and either can’t afford or don’t see the need in creating their own separate trust.

If you live in Orange County and are looking to form a special needs trust for a loved one, we recommend looking into Burris Law. As one of the rising stars in the O.C. law scene, Burris Law emerged from one of the most prestigious real estate law firms in the county to provide representation for a quickly growing client base whose needs were reaching outside the bounds of the firm.

Burris Law has helped dozens of clients set up wills, trusts, and inheritances that ensure their beneficiaries receive the maximum of what their loved ones left to them. Clients have noted the efficiency of their service, as well as the helpfulness, responsiveness, and the general good will they have for their client base.

None of us want to leave our children or loved ones with nothing once we pass on, and that goes double if they happen to have life-altering disabilities. A well-planned trust may make the difference between their lives proceeding smoothly without us and a life already filled with hardship becoming that much more difficult.

Burris Law


200 N Tustin Ave #110, Santa Ana, CA 92705

The Best In Mediation

Mediation represents the second path couples seeking to legally end their marriage can take and is widely considered to be the preferable option. When an independent third party can mediate the dispute, it removes the incentives for both parties to destroy any semblance of normalcy and amicability in the relationship so that they can come out on top once the divorce is finalized.
In Orange County, a mediation firm has recently been recognized as being a cut above the rest for the quality of their service. McNamee Mediations, the mediation and family law firm headed by Colleen McNamee, has been recognized by Cambridge Who’s Who Registry, which promotes a select few chosen for their accomplishments and achievements.
Colleen was selected for her abilities as a mediator through her 14 years in Family Law practice and her 9+ years as a Family Law Mediation Specialist, all of which have been spent running her own firm. She has seen the successful conclusion of many high-end divorce and paternity cases, where clients are guided through property, custody, child and spousal support, and modifications of existing judgments.

The firm has successfully navigated the turbulent waters of Family Law for almost a decade, and as a result has garnered many ardent supporters in the ranks of her previous and current clients. A quick perusal through her Yelp reviews reveals how high these clients hold in her regard:

Colleen McNamee is the absolute best[!!] When we started out on our journey of going through a divorce, I felt overwhelmed from every direction and had no idea where to begin or what to expect. I’ve heard all the horror stories of things turning ugly and costs rising as the process drags on and on. BUT, I am SO thankful we went with Colleen!! She made the whole process clear, concise, & cost effective. She helped us communicate peacefully and reach an agreement that worked for both parties. She is very professional and yet the kindest human being! [Thank you Colleen from the bottom of my heart for everything!!] (Jess B., Yelp Review)

Read Andrea P.‘s review of McNamee Mediations on Yelp

As much as I wish I didn’t have to write a review for these services… Colleen has been nothing short of a miracle worker. I have been going through a painful and messy divorce but I am so thankful for Colleen’s understanding, kind nature and expertise to make a difficult situation at least tolerable. She is completely fair and I appreciate that she will call me out when I’m being unreasonable and can get me to look at things from another perspective while also feeling like she’s on my side. I had doubts that we could come to any agreement without having to go through lawyers and an ugly court battle but she was able to do just that. I highly recommend her services – don’t go anywhere else! (Christina C., Yelp Review)

If you are in need of a Family Law firm that specializes in not only mediating a more amicable split, but in settling even the most complex and intricate legal disputes between parties, give Colleen a call. Both Cambridge and her previous clients have recognized her abilities, so the decision can only be a good one:
McNamee Mediations
4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660

A Night To Remember

As a young man, it’s easy to forget how dangerous riding a motorcycle can be, especially when you consider how poorly most people drive. I still remember the night I got into my crash vividly.
It was around 10 PM, and I had just gotten out of my late weekday class. I suited up, put on my jacket, my gloves, and my helmet, hopped on my bike and raced off into the night.
My college was close by to home, so the ride home involved taking city streets up a few blocks to my house. Right at the corner of my neighborhood, I stopped at a light and looked on as a few cops cleaned up the last few pieces of jagged metal from an accident that had occurred earlier in the day.
This would, unfortunately, prove to be a portent for what happened to me a few scant minutes later. As the light changed, I looked ahead and shifted into first, cruising into the intersection and shifting to second once I hit about 20 miles per hour.
Fatefully, I took one last glance over to the accident being cleared up as the red and blue lights created a glare over my visor. As I turned my attention back to the road, I noticed the car that had turned right before the light had gone green had made a sudden and complete stop in the middle of my lane.

Now accelerating to around 30 miles per hour and climbing quickly, the fingers of both hands shot towards the levers on the handles, the clutch on the left and the front brakes on the right, and throttled down, as my foot leapt towards the rear brakes next to the right foot pedal. On the crowded city street, I had no way of knowing if there was a car in either lane around me, making a veer to either lane dangerous.
As clutch, front, and rear brakes hit simultaneously, the rear end of the bike suddenly decided it was through with its lot in life and tried switching positions with the front, throwing me off in the process. Landing with a smack to the pavement, face first, I looked up to watch the bike slide towards the stopped car in a shower of spikes, with me following in no doubt a shower of shredded leather and skin.
As I and the bike came to a halt, the car decided now was the time to make its move – it veered into the right lane and then into the adjacent parking lot, its operator apparently realizing too late that he had missed his turn and needed to get in there to pick up his dinner, but not before stopping to make sure this turn was as awkward as possible.

The result of the crash was the destruction of a $4000 bike and nearly $1000 in safety equipment, a busted wrist and knee, and a few weeks of aches and pains. I never got on a bike again, as each time the thought of that same accident happening but at 60 or 70 miles per hour rather than 35.
For many riders, that very worst case scenario has happened due to poor decisions made by people protected by the skeletons of their vehicles. Injuries much worse than mine and even deaths are commonly the result of people making a poor split-second decision.
In those instances, a great friend to have is an excellent personal injury attorney who is well-steeped in the affairs of both the courthouse and the inner workings of the insurance companies. In southern California, Villasenor Law Offices are the best friends you can make as a rider who’s been injured due to the negligence of another driver.
The office is proficient in getting their clients the payouts they deserve, and they have the testimonials to prove it:
Read Lynn O.‘s review of Villasenor Law Offices on Yelp
If you’ve been injured in an accident, you owe it to yourself to get the best possible representation to get the payout you’re entitled to. Give Villasenor Law Offices a call:
Villasenor Law Offices
(858) 707-7771
12396 World Trade Dr, San Diego, CA 92128

Hire The Best Lawyer You Can Find

There are many reasons why a couple will choose to end their marriage in divorce. Sometimes, it can be due to irreconcilable differences; in other cases, it can be due to infidelity. Divorce can happen to anyone—even celebrities.

Movie star Brad Pitt has had his fair share coverage in the news regarding his relationships. In his two high-profile divorces, he needed to hire some of the best lawyers in the country in order to handle them adequately. His first divorce was in 2005 with Jennifer Aniston. Unfortunately, this came at a time that shortly followed his filming in a movie where he had a starring role alongside Angelina Jolie; rumors swirled around that they had developed a love affair on set. It was speculated that Aniston wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but that in hindsight, Aniston felt that Pitt had a “missing sensitivity chip”. Fast-forwarding to 2017, Angelina Jolie decided to file for divorce from Pitt. History seemed to repeat itself, however this time, in a gut-wrenching contrast to their first onscreen romance. The couple’s divorce came shortly after the two starred in a movie about a couple in a troubled marriage. As far as the Jolie and Pitt love story goes, it seems that fact was never too far from fiction.

Woman Leaning on Table

How can a divorce lawyer help in a situation like this?

While not everyone who goes through a divorce is a high-profile celebrity, everyone who goes through a divorce deserves to be treated like VIPs by their attorneys.

If you decide to proceed with a divorce, it will be of utmost importance for you to find a reliable professional to represent you in litigation. A great divorce lawyer will navigate through the complicated legal system, reduce friction and hassle, and focus on fighting for your best outcomes. For those looking to hire a family law attorney in Santa Ana, we recommend Shuff Law Firm. Their team of attorneys and paralegals is highly equipped to give you the guidance and counsel you need in this highly challenging and demanding time in your life. More often than not, divorce will require a ton of paperwork—that alone is frighteningly overwhelming for most people. Instead of filing the paperwork yourself, a divorce lawyer can help process it for you; taking care of such matters will lower your stress levels, giving you peace of mind that your documents will be properly filed and submitted on time.

When it comes to Divorce & Family Law in Orange County, Attorney Joseph A. Shuff, III, and Attorney Tamara Shuff Mortensen, Certified Family Law Specialist, have an excellent reputation for being efficient and objective. They aim to provide you with realistic estimates on the most likely result of your divorce. Their team is highly communicative, accessible, and transparent; they provide their clients with copies of all records throughout the entire process. 

The firm is highly reviewed on Yelp, with one reviewer stating: “Tamara is the first lawyer that actually understood the complexity of my situation AND took action.

Read Kelly G.‘s review of Shuff Law Firm on Yelp

You can give Shuff Law Firm a call today:

Shuff Law Firm, a Professional Law Corporation
2634, 2107 N Broadway STE 301, Santa Ana, CA 92706, United States

How To Find Happiness After Divorce

Dealing with a divorce can be very challenging. It is one of those incredibly heavy decisions in life where you end up questioning yourself and your entire life very quickly. Perhaps you believe that nothing can make you happy, which is why you want to move on as fast as possible.

Although painful, at the end of the day, divorce is a decision that pushes your life in a better direction where you can choose yourself first, in order to enjoy living life as much as possible.

How can you achieve happiness after a divorce?

Practice gratitude. Be thankful for all of your blessings and achievements in life. Trust yourself and your instincts. Yes, this will be quite an adjustment—it is indeed a major change—but this will bring great opportunities for new and fulfilling ways to be yourself. Take time to grieve, and then do your best to focus on developing a positive attitude in your mind.

Appreciate the past; do not regret the past. Every moment–no matter how ugly or beautiful—is a part of your life; it is better to just accept every moment as it comes, and then move on. Life is too short and exciting to resist change.

After your divorce, it will be important to keep your mind busy, especially in your newfound singlehood. You can engage in many different kinds of activities. You can start this new chapter in your life with a new hobby—perhaps finally getting to that sci-fi novel you’ve always wanted to write, but never had the time to sit down for.

Photo Of Woman Sitting On Couch

How can a mediator help?

When it comes to divorce, most people’s first thought is to find a family attorney. Of course, it is well-advised that you not only think about yourself and your well-being but to also think about securing legal representation. However, mediation is a great alternative to traditional litigation. If you want to proceed with your divorce and reach a settlement without being in court, then it makes sense to hire a divorce mediator. A mediator is a neutral third-party whose goal is to help both parties reach mutual agreements as amicably as possible. This can significantly reduce any hostility, helping both parties achieve desired outcomes without causing additional emotional harm and stress. Colleen McNamee, a Divorce Mediator for couples based in Orange County, says that some of her clients have even rekindled their love through mediation! Hiring a mediator for divorce is also typically less expensive than the average cost of litigation.


It’s very important to focus on moving forward with your life after a divorce. It will not necessarily be easy, but appreciating the lessons and leaving behind the heartbreak will allow you to confidently and vivaciously embark on all possibilities that the future has to offer you. If you find it hard to communicate with your former spouse, consider hiring a mediator to help you find common ground. For those in Orange County who are are looking for a divorce mediator instead of an Irvine Family Attorney, Colleen McNamee is known as the “divorce whisperer” for having a stellar reputation. A mediator’s priority is to help both parties discuss issues, resolve disputes, reach settlements…and move on with life!

You can give McNamee Mediations a call today:

McNamee Mediations
4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660, United States

Essential Representation For Your Business

In the United States, the legal system can be described as analogous to the Labyrinth of Crete in Greek mythology, complete with a dangerous minotaur lurking in its midst to gobble up the unwary who traverse its twists unguided. At every step, a new turn emerges that takes you further into its inscrutable midst, and to extricate yourself without some piece of you missing, expert help is needed.

Even for businesses and their owners, the law is unwieldy and esoteric, with each state in the union and their subsidiary counties and cities having their own particularities that would take decades to unravel. If you own a business, it is absolutely necessary for you to take the proper precautions in your every day dealings and hire commercial attorneys to make sure your bases are all covered, lest the government or an unscrupulous customer decide to utilize its power against you. If you’re in southern California and need specific help from business lawyers who specialize deciphering the Orange County laws, Freedom Law recommends one of our partners in the area: Burris Law Offices.

The firm, established in 2015, has received near perfect reviews since its inception, with a rare 5-star rating on its Yelp page. With some sterling testimonials, you can come to see why we hold the law offices with such high regard. Jen J., for instance, has this to say about the firm:

Just got off a phone consultation

with Jason and I am absolutely impressed with his professionalism, honesty, and thoroughness!
Although my review is based only on one phone consultation, I wholeheartedly believe Jason and his team could properly represent me.
1. He was clear and concise about my options, left out unnecessary legal jargon so that I could really understand what my next steps were.
2. Provided options that were economically efficient and even some that would not require the use of his firm, yet would provide me with some level of protection against unwanted lawsuits.
3. Extremely personable and empathetic. I truly believe that good representation can only come from an attorney who desires to build a client relationship. And within a limited 30 minute consultation, he was able to do that (or at least begin the foundation for one) as well as giving me the proper guidance on how to move forward.
Would definitely recommend! And planning to use his firm to proceed with legal action.

In a similar vein, Louis D. further expounds upon the firm’s dedication to professionalism and thoroughness in its practice here:

I was compelled to write this review after returning to this law firm for additional services I was looking to request. TOP NOTCH professionalism the whole way through. Most importantly, an HONEST perspective and assessment given to me regarding my request. I am truly grateful to all the staff and to Ariana for all the work they’ve done to help me. I will continue to work with this f

irm, God-willing, for a very long time! Thank you all!

If you’re in need of professional assistance in navigating the overly complex legal system we have here in the United States (let’s face it, we all do), then please give Burris Law Offices a call. You’ll get grade-A service with none of the predatory hustling you’d find at other practices.

Burris Law Offices
(714) 941-8122
200 N Tustin Ave Ste 110, Santa Ana, CA 92705